Not For Sale began by providing vital direct resources to trafficked people. We quickly realised that to create a world without slavery, we need change at a grassroots level – we need to stop trafficking long before it happens.
We work with local experts to understand the causes of slavery. We investigate local economies to discover where we might break the cycle. We partner with local entrepreneurs to create projects that provide education, empowerment, income.
Our mission is to create long-term, sustainable, scalable solutions that offer dignity, hope and a positive future.
Our Impact In Numbers
In sixteen years, we have supported over 352,000 people, in 12 countries, each one at risk of human trafficking.
In 2022, around the world...
Girls enrolled in our South Africa 'Girls Surf Too' program
children received an education through our children’s shelter in Thailand
meals were served at our Vietnamese children’s shelter
100% of the time.